Just recently, I was shopping in a Texas Hobby Lobby and was approached by a man and young girl who overwhelmed me with compliments on my smile and teeth. For the record, I am an observant person who greets anyone I see and feel comfortable starting conversations with strangers; therefore, initially I found no pun intended. After a few more compliments and talk about art, the man asked me to dinner with him and his daughter and the little girl begged for me to join them. The interaction then felt abnormal and raised my suspicions. I was unsure if the young girl needed help or if I was being targeted to be kidnapped. After internally checking in with myself and asking God, “What is this?”, I courageously eyed the young girl and said, “I’ll go, BUT only because of you.” I know, this sounds dangerous and yes, I could have led myself into a trap, according to my friend, who’s a Lieutenant and Marine Veteran. But I live to tell the story which honestly, I’m still unsure of what that experience was all about. What I can say is since that experience I have become more intentional with observing my surroundings, responding to my instinct, learning about non-verbal help signs, being an advocate in prayer against oppression and sex trafficking, and sharing the experience.

Last year, a young girl who was kidnapped was able to draw attention to a truck driver using the “trapped thumb fist” through a window while traveling on Interstate 75 (I-75), a highway all too familiar to me.

This signal is used to indicate that HELP is NEEDED for ANY FORM of VIOLENCE and to PLEASE CALL 911.

The sign was originally learned on Tik Tok posted by the Canadian Women’s Foundation and now has the whole world talking…

Let’s keep our eyes open, stay abreast to the signs of violence and oppression, and use our voices to pray against human sex trafficking, oppression of ALL PERSONS, and CALL 1-844-643-2251 if you notice anything out of the ordinary. I’ve tried calling 1-888-373-7888, the Human Trafficking Hotline but the automatic system takes too long to connect to a human.

Written by: Dr. Fuller

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    One Comment

    1. Melvin Drew April 19, 2022 at 10:18 am - Reply

      Great information. I never knew that and will be on the look out for that expression of help. Great that you paid attention to detail during your encounter that revealed some life saving recognition. Great read as well.

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